World Menopause Day is held every year in October. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of the menopause and the support options available for improving health and wellbeing.
The Board of the International Menopause Society (IMS) has decided to focus on bone health for World Menopause Day 2021. Osteoporosis and associated fractures are the most common chronic metabolic bone disease and represent a major global health problem, contributing to 8.9 million fractures worldwide on an annual basis (1).
Bone renews itself constantly. Cells in your body remove old bone and replace with new. In healthy bone before the menopause, the production of new bone happens more than the removal of old bone. The opposite happens after the menopause when ovaries stop the production of estrogen. This leads to an increase in the removal of old bone which decreases bone strength. Diet and exercise can all help maintain healthy bones. The IMS has highlighted in its 2021 White Paper, how necessary nutritional recommendations, including Vitamin D and Calcium, are to healthy bones (2).
Vitamin D works to slow down and minimise the weakening process and has been proven in clinical trials to maintain healthy bones (EFSA). If you do not get enough vitamin D, you are at greater risk of bone loss and broken bones as your body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium (3).
Trace minerals such as Magnesium, Zinc, Copper and Calcium are all essential for health. They help promote strong bones and are involved in the interaction of more than 300 enzyme reactions and the formation of healthy bones and teeth (4).
A study of 51 postmenopausal women found that 40% of women with osteoporosis or low bone density had low circulating Magnesium levels (5) as well as a significantly lower dietary intake of Zinc and Calcium suggesting that supplementation of these minerals is recommended.
According to the European Commission, Magnesium can also help reduce feelings of tiredness and fatigue and is needed to help your nervous system function normally and for optimum psychological health (6).
Biotin is another B-vitamin, which can be of help for menopausal symptoms. Biotin, is needed to help your nervous system function normally and for optimum psychological health, says the European Commission, contributing to normal energy yielding metabolism and energy release (6).
Although no authorised EU health claim, Soya isoflavones are a class of antioxidants often referred to as phytoestrogens which have a similar structure to that of the hormone estrogen (7). Research suggests that Soy isoflavones may help combat the loss of calcium from the bone, brought on by the menopause and can reduce the rate of bone turnover (8).
One review of 19 studies in postmenopausal women found soy isoflavone intake through supplements significantly increased bone mineral density by 54% and reduced bone resorption marker by 23%, compared with their baseline values (9).
It’s currently thought that 40–110 mg of soy isoflavones per day for at least a year may help combat bone loss and protect against osteoporosis (10).
You can find all of these ingredients plus more in Manuka Plus Meno-Hive supplement, including 120mg of Soy isoflavones.